My series of rock and mineral field identification guides, produced with Bob Lynch, encompasses the majority of the books I write. Each focuses on a specific state or region and teaches readers what rocks and minerals are found there as well as some of the science behind their formation. Where my guides differ from others, however, is that all manner of material is covered, from highly collectible minerals to the most mundane rocks. And each rock or mineral presented is discussed with informative, descriptive language that relays the key identifying traits to the reader without the need for needlessly technical definitions or, on the other hand, being "dumbed down." The specimens photographed are not once-in-a-lifetime, museum-grade samples, but rather are average specimens of the quality and size that amateur collectors can expect to obtain themselves. The reception to this approach has been overwhelmingly positive.
At the time of writing, I've written around 21 titles, with two more due out in 2021. The photos here show my personal copies, many of which had ridden around in my backpack for months at a time. (Apologies for the woefully out of date selection of photos presented here).
As of 2021, I’ve written or co-written the following titles:
Lake Superior Rocks & Minerals
Arizona Rocks & Minerals
Michigan Rocks & Minerals
Minnesota Rocks & Minerals
Colorado Rocks & Minerals
New Mexico Rocks & Minerals
Rocks & Minerals of Washington and Oregon
Rocks & Minerals of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois
Rocks & Minerals of New York
Agates of Lake Superior: Stunning Varieties and How They Are Formed
Lake Superior Agates Field Guide
The Wonder of North American Agates
Rocks & Minerals of the United States Quick Guide
Rocks & Minerals of California Quick Guide
Rocks & Minerals of the Pacific Coast Quick Guide
Agates and Other Collectibles of the Pacific Coast Quick Guide
Rockhound’s Logbook and Journal
Rock Collecting for Kids: An Introduction to Geology
Fossils for Kids: An Introduction to Paleontology
Petoskey Stone: Finding, Identifying, and Collecting Michigan’s Most Storied Fossil
Crystal Healing: The Science and Psychology Behind What Works, What Doesn’t, and Why
All of my books are published by Adventure Publications/AdventureKEEN, 2008-2021.